
Blog Posts

Current Artistry

As a first-year student at The Ohio State University, I am eager to learn, grow, and expand my knowledge in all areas of the arts. While I’m still getting adjusted to the life of a college student, I’m involving myself in several things that interest me. Currently, in terms of dance, I’m strongly focusing on…

“Come As You Are, Leave as You Want to Be”

For our final project for our Creative Technologies class, me and my group decided to collaborate on a dance film. We gained inspiration from my previous mini dance film (posted to my blog) that portrayed the raw essence of being in the dance studio late one night. It captured the freeing feeling and emotional release…

Final Reflection

As we are finally closing our first semester here at The Ohio State University, I am reflecting on my time spent in the Creative Technologies Class. As an incoming freshman, I truly had no idea what to expect from this class, let alone my entire courseload. However, I thoroughly enjoyed learning and engaging with new technologies.…

Film Project

When reflecting on my experience making this dance film, “A Night in Sullivant Hall,” I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I have such an interested in videography and I frequently make recaps/reels for social media, so I knew this project would be of interest to me. Looking back on the beginning stages…

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